Fully managed SFTP to Azure/S3/GCS

Access your cloud storage using SFTP and FTP/S with Simple FTP Service.

Our basic plan is free forever

Multiple backends

True multicloud including Azure Blob Storage, AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage your integration in the cloud could never be easier. Files go directly to your own bucket.

S3 compatible services like Cloudflare R2, IBM COS, Backblaze B2, NetApp StorageGRID, Ceph, Cloudian HyperStore, Wasabi, MinIO and others may also be compatible.


FTP/s file transfers are encrypted using SSL Certificates from Let's Encrypt. File transfers are streamed in-memory directly to your backend. No data files are stored servers at any point in time.

Effortless and Fast

We manage the infrastructure, updates, and scalability to ensure uptime and availability.
Choose your closest region, US East (N. Virgina), EU West (Ireland), Australia (Sydney).



Get current summary about your connections, users, uploads and downloads directly from your service dashboard.

Audit trail

View all logs

Know exactly what happened, and when. View the commands executed by each user precisely when they occured, safe with the knowledge logs can be stored for up to 7 years.


Control access

Add white and black lists for access to specific FTP services. Only allow access to legitimate customers, or choose to deny access from development IP addresses.


Reprocess and restore

Don't lose a file ever again - Search, restore or reprocess files that were sent to your backend directly from our UI. By utilizing S3/GCS/AzureBlob versioning none of your data is stored on our servers.

Application integrations

Start a state machine using AWS Step functions in response to a file arriving via FTP. Process EDI, translate files, resize images - All available using AWS Step functions.

Link your cloud functions

Build realtime applications - Trigger Azure, Lambda or GCS functions whenever a FTP file is uploaded. Easily push files immediately to any type of backend application you require.

Millions of files transferred

Our team has helped process messages from businesses worldwide.

See a demo of DocEvent Simple FTP Service

Want to see Simple FTP Service in action? Watch a recorded demo before you get started yourself.

Watch the demo

You focus on integration, we'll focus on delivery.

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